Following our post on 12th February, we are sad to learn that David Johansen has now passed at the age of 75.
Our thoughts are with his wife Mara Hennessey, daughter Leah and anyone else that knew him.
Here follows a tribute posted on his fund page yesterday...
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David Johansen passed away peacefully at home, holding the hands of his wife Mara Hennessey and daughter Leah, in the sunlight surrounded by music and flowers.
After a decade of profoundly compromised health he died of natural causes at the age of 75.
David and his family were deeply moved by the outpouring of love and support they’ve experienced recently as the result of having gone public with their challenges. He was thankful that he had a chance to be in touch with so many friends and family before he passed.
He knew he was ecstatically loved.
There will be several events celebrating David’s life and artistry, details to follow.
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FOOTNOTE: Our picture is a snap of the two David’s in New York in February 1973 from our archive. The original is signed by Johansen, who had also mischievously drawn a moustache on Mr Bowie.
#DavidJohansenFund #NewYorkDolls