“Elvis is English”
As promised last week, every Thursday (at 9am PST/12pm EST/5pm GMT) we will share a Bowie focused interview over on YouTube from a name you may well know.
Today’s contribution is from Elvis Costello and here’s a tease about a song you may have heard DB waxing lyrical about: “If David had sung it, it would have been magnificent, I know he would have sung it beautifully.”
Mr C also talks about the influence of Bowie’s music on his work with The Attractions, the beauty of Blackstar and the one and only time the two met, as evidenced by our picture. Watch it here.
Tune in same time same channel next week.
Picture: David Bowie and Elvis Costello Vanity Fair Launch Party for the 2003 Tribeca Film Festival hosted by Graydon Carter and Robert DeNiro at the State Supreme Courthouse May 1, 2003 ©Patrick McMullan photo-Patrick McMullan/PMc
#TalkingBowie #Bowie75 #BowieElvisCostello