From everyone here at BowieNet, we would like to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thanks for being a part of BowieNet.
The Message Board Question
As you may have noticed, some of our message boards have gotten a bit overwhelming. In the Spirit of the New Year, we have been discussing the idea of pruning them a bit, but do not want freak anyone out ;)
Let us know what YOU want to do with the Message Boards by clicking HERE and answering this poll.
The Poll has 4 simple choices:
a. Keep them as is
b. Delete all but the last month
c. Nuke Em, with same topics
d. Nuke Em, start new topics
PLEASE NOTE: We are NOT going to be deleting anything to do with the Gallery. This poll is strictly about our message boards.
Happy New Year To Bowienetters Everywhere
"Dave...stop...stop, will you...stop, Dave...will you stop, Dave...stop, Dave...I'm afraid..."Welcome to the year of the film that inspired David Bowie to pen the song that gave him his first taste of commercial success, (phew). As everybody reading this knows, the film '2001: A Space Odyssey', was the trigger for some of the ideas contained within what is possibly David's most famous song, the punningly entitled 'Space Oddity' ("...Oooh yes I don't really like David Bowie, but I do like that Major Tom one..").Released in July 1969 the single eventually reached #5 in the UK, and was the first reissued single ever to reach #1 on its second issue when it "really made the grade" in 1975. Space Oddity continues to be one of Bowie's most enduring and endearing songs, and it wasn't too many years after this initial flush of success that another Stanley Kubrick film would leave a huge impression on David, helping flavour the look of his next success, Ziggy Stardust. But that's a story we'll go into in considerably more detail next year. Total Blam Blam - (European Correspondent)
2000: It's A Wrap
2000 is just about over and New Years Eve is upon us. What a year it's been!Here are just a few of the cool things that happened in y2k:
1. Alexandria Zahra Jones Born (Congrats To The Bowie's)
2. "The Pretty Things Are Going To Hell" Remixer
3. Bowienet Members Only Concert / Roseland
4. BowieNet v2 Named Best Artist Web Site
5. Countless Contest And Special Features
6. Crummie From Toy
7. David Bowie Named Online Pioneer Of The Year!!
8. Exclusive Chats with David Bowie, Page Hamilton, Mike Garson, Gail Ann Dorsey, Mark Plati, Tony Visconti, Earl Slick, and the Ladies Chat with Emm, Gail, Holly
9. Dee Bee Cover Project
10. Digital Download / 20 Classic Albums Available Online!
11. Exclusive Studio Videos
12. Fanmix Project
13. Haibow Contest
14. Free Tickets To Bowie Shows
15. Live And Well CD Delivered
16. Musik express votes www.Davidbowie.Com #1 Website of 2000!
17. Omikron
18. The wonderful contributions to our Gallery Section
19. The Launch Of V2
20. The Always popular David Bowie Journals
Q Writers Love Joe The Lion
Tell you who you are if you nail me to my car
Q magazine have a regular feature HEAVY ROTATION : What's playing in the Q office this month.
The Feb 2000 issue selects Joe The Lion from Heroes. They describe it as "The one that goes "Nail me to my car", because its about Californian performance artist Chris Burden, who once nailed himself to the roof of a Volkswagen Beetle."

Chris Burden gave an interview at the Royal Academy Of Fine Arts, Stockholm in Feb 1999. You can hear an audio clip of him talking about the 1974 performance which inspired this song. He was nailed to the roof of the car through the palms of his hands and rolled out for viewing for 15 or 20 seconds, a performance he describes as an apparition.
David talked about this innovative artist in an interview he gave in Sept 95."Chris Burden, he was an extraordinary guy. He was the subject of a song I wrote called "Joe the Lion" on Heroes. He's the guy - [singing] `Nail me to my car, tell you who you are.'". He also made a film where he had himself sewn into a mailbag and thrown in the middle of a highway, where he lay for 5 hours in heavy traffic and emerged unscathed. And he once had himself shot in the arm with a .22 onstage." more (thanks to 'Heroes')
For more about Chris Burden's work, some of which seemed to predict the general style of Damien Hirst and others, you can go here.
Bowie Covered By The Rev
Strung out on lasers and slash back blazers...
Are you looking for that special ingredient to make your new year's eve Glam Rock party go with an extra swish? Then look no further than this compilation of covers by the world-famous Children of the Revolution. The notorious rockers are clearly refusing to give up the Glam Rock crown, and are also, thankfully, refusing to grow old gracefully. Their outrageous onstage clobber, the envy of Chicory Tip members everywhere, was worn during the recording of this album, and you can almost hear the stomp of platform boots throughout. Almost.
This fine collection, enigmatically entitled 'IV', is released by Mike Peters', (of The Alarm), Twenty First Century Recording Company through MPO. Touchingly faithful versions of two David Bowie songs are included on the CD, 'The Jean Genie' and 'All The Young Dudes', even though 'Dudes' is more faithful to Mott The Hooples' version. Other songs recorded originally by the likes of The New York Dolls, T Rex, The Sweet and Slade are included, and there's even a Christmas tune written for the band by Mile Peters. Click on the sleeve above to order a copy of the CD online, and go here to learn more about the mighty Rev.
Thanx to Alain Insane for helping keep Glam alive.
Total Blam Blam (European Correspondent)
Bowie History: Mime Anyone?
After a month of training, David Bowie makes his first appearance with Lindsay Kemp in the mime production "Pierrot In Turquoise"That was thirty-four (34) years ago today, December 28th, 1967.
Bowie Donates Iman For Auction, She Could Be Yours!
Look at your children, See their faces in golden rays...
The picture above is number one in a limited edition of fifty prints, produced by David Bowie, of his gorgeous wife Iman. This 32" x 24" inch beauty could be yours if you nip over to eBay and stick in a bid for the item, which is being auctioned in aid of Global Kids. Here's what the non-profit organisation says about itself:
"Global Kids, Inc. is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to preparing urban youth to become global citizens and community leaders. Global Kids programs aim to ensure that young people of all backgrounds have the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to succeed in school and the workplace and to participate in the shaping of public policy and international affairs."
At the time of writing this, and with less than 24 hours remaining, the bid stands at $250. So here is the chance for some generous type to own an ultra-rare David Bowie print, (you're unlikely to ever see another number one of a limited edition Bowie artwork such as this) while helping a great cause in the process. Let us know if you're the winner. Good luck and happy bidding.
Total Blam Blam (European Correspondent)
The Message Board Question
As you may have noticed, some of our message boards have gotten a bit overwhelming. We have been discussing the idea of pruning them a bit, but do not want freak anyone out ;)
Keep a lookout for a poll that will ask you what YOU would like to do with the Message Boards.
The Poll will have 4 simple choices:
a. Keep them as is
b. Delete all but the last month
c. Nuke Em, with same topics
d. Nuke Em, start new topics
Start pondering this question with deep meditation please!
Joe Jackson Covers Bowie
Last week, playing in front of a sold out house at the Beacon Theater in New York City, Joe Jackson mentioned Bowie numerous times in his show. The first reference had to do with a recent review Joe received on his Toronto show, where Jackson was called "the illegitimate son of David Bowie and Noël Coward." Next, Jackson chatted with the audience about how he was enjoying doing cover versions these days, and then went into a solo rendition of "Drive in Saturday"
Bowie Interview With Flo And Eddie
Here is a fun, 13 minute video interview we dug out of the archives for you. This Interview features Flo and Eddie interviewing David Bowie, as well as samples of the "Heroes"video.
For those of you who don't know, Flo and Eddie made their mark with the Turtles, and later joined Frank Zappa's Mothers of Invention. They later glided into their own Flo & Eddie persona, which you can watch for yourself in this classic TV show clip.
This rare interview covers topics such as Identities, Rock and Roll, individuality, Ziggy the archetype, Berlin, Iggy Pop, Kenya and much more!
Check out David's Flo and Eddie Interview
Boxing Day
So, what is Boxing day anyway???Boxing Day is a holiday celebrated in Britain, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. It falls on December 26, which is also St. Stephen's Day. The traditional celebration of Boxing Day included giving money and other gifts to charitable institutions, needy individuals, and people in service jobs. The holiday may date from the Middle Ages (A.D. 400's--1500's), but the exact origin is unknown. It may have begun with the lords and ladies of England, who presented Christmas gifts in boxes to their servants on December 26. Or it may have begun with priests, who opened the church's alms (charity) boxes on the day after Christmas and distributed the contents to the poor.
Tune In Later This Week For A Classic Interview With Flo And Eddie. This Short Video Is Right Out Of The Vaults.
Tune in later this week for a classic interview with Flo and Eddie. This short video is right out of the vaults.
Bowie Films In Nyc
If you happen to be in the Big Apple this week, don't miss out on the Bowie Film Retrospective at Two Boots Pioneer Theater in Manhattan. Here is the schedule:
Tuesday, Dec 26
Mr Rice's Secret, 2:45 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
The Hunger, 10 p.m.
Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars, midnight
Wednesday, Dec 27
Mr Rice's Secret, 2:45 p.m., 7:00 p.m.
Basquiat, 5 p.m.
The Man Who Fell To Earth, 9:10 p.m.
The Hunger, midnight
Thursday, Dec 28
Mr Rice's Secret, 2:45 p.m., 7:00 p.m.
The Man Who Fell To Earth, 9:10 p.m.
Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars, midnight
The Two Boots Pioneer Theater is located at 155 East 3rd Street. Admission is $8.50 or $6 for students. For More Info call (212) 254-3300
Bowie Calls In On Bbc
Last month in a promotion with MP3, David did a 2 minute
phone-in, where he talked about going into the BBC Studios.
Have a listen to David's Phone-in on BBC.
Blammo, Such A Card!
...all I had to give was the guilt for dreaming
In a flagrant abuse of my position and an unprecedented act of self-importance, I present my downloadable Christmas card for 2000. This situation has come about due to the fact that I didn't get around to printing it out and sending it to all of your individual homes. That was my original plan of course, but at least this way you can choose to ignore it by not clicking on the icon above.
Anyway, my love to all of you and yours, and my heartfelt thanks for all the kind words of encouragement and cyber-cards you have sent. Oh how wonderful it is to bask in the warmth of reflected glory!
I'm sure you will all want to join me in a mass love vibe (am I allowed to say that?) towards the family Bowie at this time of year. Thanks for everything you have given us in 2000 David, here's to 2001, and if it's even half as good to us Bowie fans as 2000 was, it's going to be a great year.
Total Blam Blam (European Correspondent)
Reeves Gabrels Interview Continued
Viva La Difference! The Winner
...the very same dream, in the very same scene
The 'Spot The Difference' competition suggested by Rednik has proved another winner with you peoploids. Not everybody got all ten differences, 25% of you stumbled to nine, desperately imagining a tenth difference! However, the sadist in me will enjoy the thought of you cursing as you see the particular difference that eluded you. The masochists among that 25% can enjoy the solution by clicking on the sleeve of 'Never Let Me Down' above, as can the rest of you in fact.
If you really want to know if The Random Selector (TM) picked you as the winner, go here.
Total Blam Blam (European Correspondent)
Reeves Gabrels Interview
This interview with Reeves will conclude this little trio of interviews sent in by Emmanouils the Troll, first with Gail Ann then with Emm Gryner and now with Reeves. Here is part one, part two to follow tomorrow.
This interview was conducted on November 19th. Hats off to Troll for doing these great interviews and for taking the time to share themwith us!
Thanks, Emmanouil!
2001 A Space Oddity?
You've really made the grade..
Due to their particularly stringent quality control, Simply Vinyl's Bowie re-issue campaign is slightly behind schedule. But the good news is that the first in the series, Space Oddity, is finally in the shops. This classic album, originally released in 1969, will be followed by The Man Who Sold The World and Hunky Dory sometime in January. All of the releases will be limited to an incredible 1,000 pressings on the label's trademark 180g vinyl with mostly original sleeve packaging. Having said that, Space Oddity isn't gatefold, but I have been reliably informed that Aladdin Sane, Diamond Dogs and Lodger will be issued in their full original glory.
Here's a bit from Simply Vinyl's Space Oddity page where you can order the album online (free p&p in the UK) just in time for 2001, the year of the film that inspired the song!
"Well it gives us great pleasure after several years of trying to finally start unleashing the vinyl re-issues of the brilliant David Bowie catalogue. This time, in contrast to what we usually do, we?ve decided to do the albums in strict chronological order (excepting his very first album ?Love You ?Til Tuesday? (sic) which we?ll leave for now!)"
I am not on commission here, but if you seriously want these records, I suggest you get your order in now, as I know from bitter experience that these limited pressings always vanish faster than one expects them to. I'm still after the limited Hunky Dory pressing from a couple of years back...anybody got a spare?
Total Blam Blam - (European Correspondent)