Those of you lucky enough to witness the Copenhagen show and the extraordinary performance of'Shrinking Jimmy' by Holly Palmer and Emm Gryner have probably still to recover from the experience.Well here at BowieNet we have yet ANOTHER Christmas present for you, in the shape of the lyricsfrom that very song! Yes, you can now be the envy of people who are easily impressed by learningthe words and putting on your very own performance.
As I say, those that actually heard the song live began to question the very fundamentals of life,like "why are we here?" and "I wonder how long the queue for the toilet is?". Well if you weren'tthere and you haven't managed to hear some dodgy illicit recording of the show, feast your mincepies on the creative genius of Holly and Emm, the words aren't bad either!
Personally I look forward to the cover version by Squeakie and Kelmar, but in the meantime I'llcontent myself with the CD pictured above, not available anywhere on earth. We do plan to do afeature on the Bowie Band and all of their related projects and websites, in the very near future.Thanx again to Holly and Emm for supplying the words.
PS ~ Mark P....I haven't forgotten the pix };-)
Photographs and CD cover from our European Correspondent ~ Total Blam Blam