Here are two exclusive photos of David at work in the studio with Angelo Badalamenti. The track they are working on is "A Foggy Day In London Town" for the album "Red Hot and Rhapsody". All proceeds will go to AIDS charities. Other contributing artists include Natalie Merchant, Sinead O'Connor, Duncan Sheik and Luscious Jackson. The album will hit the stores on October 6th.
Bell Labs 360-degree Panoramic Webcam Brings David Bowie Internet Users On Bowienet Closer To The Artist And His Music
MURRAY HILL, N.J. -- Bell Labs is bringing 360 degrees of DavidBowie into full view on the Internet. Users of BowieNet (, the rock star'snewInternet service, will be able to to experience intimate live-actionviewsof Bowie thanks to FullView*, a 360-degree panoramic Webcam designed byBellLabs, the research and development arm of Lucent Technologies. Initial applications call for the camera to be used forin-studio question-and-answer sessions with Bowie, as well as live"you-are-there" rehearsal sessions with Bowie and his band. BowieNet, which launched today, is a joint venturebetweenConcentric Network Corporation and Ultrastar Internet Services and isaccessible to music fans throughout the country. The FullView camera, invented by Vic Nalwa, member of the BellLabsMultimedia Communications Research Laboratory has a single vantage pointand comprises multiple charge-coupled device (CCD) cameras, each aimedat atriangular mirror. The images are recombined through proprietarysoftwareso that the full 360-degree live-action view can be displayed alongwith,say, a 60-degree closeup in any direction the user chooses.
"FullView is designed for just the kinds of live-event programsthatBowieNet is set to deliver to its customers. BowieNet users can, say,choose what image of Bowie's band they want to see, and can easilyprogramtheir own viewing angles, storing individual images as they desire ontheirPCs," said Vic Nalwa. "BowieNet users will experience the kind ofcommunitythat Bowie has created in ways that weren't previously possible on theInternet. BowieNet will have the only large-scale seamless 360-degreevideoexperience on the Web." The resolution of FullView is 10 times greater than anycomparable panoramic camera, offering 480 x 3200 pixel (columns x rows)resolution at 15 frames per second. Bell Labs has been granted 3 patentsforFullView. "BowieNet's mission is to deliver a service thatcombinesDavid Bowie's artistry with unparalleled technical capabilities, and theFullView camera is a big part of that experience," said Ron Roy,co-founderof UltraStar and a pioneering Web music producer. "Bell Labs'involvementin BowieNet brings a high level of innovation to what we know will be anentirely new way to see David Bowie." The FullView camera leverages Bell Labs' heritage inimageprocessing. The CCD was invented at Bell Labs in 1969 by Willard BoyleandGeorge Smith and led to the invention of the first solid-state TVcamera.The CCD revolutionized the video industry and continues to find newapplications in areas as diverse as medicine, security, and astronomy( For more information on Bell Labs multimedia, go
Users wishing to utilize as their Internet serviceprovider will pay a fee of $19.95/month. For a limited time the firstmonth's fee will be waived. For those users wishing to remain with theircurrent provider, access to can be obtained for a monthlyfeeof $5.95. Music fans choosing full Internet service will receive aCD-ROM containing the customized browser along with two classic liveBowieaudio and video tracks never before released to the public. As aspecialbonus, there will be an exclusive encrypted newly recorded audio trackwhichwill unlock via the Internet. UltraStar is a management technology partnership thatspecializes in the arena of Internet services, bringing majorentertainment,sports and fashion clients to the world in a community-based forumdeliveredover the Web. UltraStar's philosophy is to allow users a personalexperience with their favorite personalities via the Internet. Neverbeforehas there been a gateway where the private and public worlds of famousfigures has been opened with the continued support, input and materialsofeach star. Lucent Technologies, headquartered in Murray Hill, N.J.,designs, builds and delivers a wide range of public and privatenetworks,communications systems and software, data networking systems, businesstelephone systems and microelectronic components. Bell Labs is theresearchand development arm for the company. For more information on LucentTechnologies, visit the company's web site at
Mike Garson Becoming Most Used Bowie-ette This Year
Firstly working on Trent Reznors new disk, then a summer tour with Smashing Pumpkins.( Did you catch Pumpkins bass-Miss wearing Dame Dorsey style devils horns at the Bilbao show in Spain Recently?) Most recently Mike was asked by Marilyn Manson to do the tour duty. They invited him over to talk at their recording studio in LA. It seems Mike walked into the studio green-room to find the band hunched around a tv monitor watching, would you believe, the Ziggy Stardust Farewell Concert.Mike made his apologies and explained that he's pretty tied up with the Pumpkins at the moment and then an album he's planning to have produced with Davids help and bid his farewells. Must say, a unique cover of Golden Years from the new Bad Boy. How does David feel about the young-bloods queing to work with his band. "I'm very supportive of their eagerness to soak up every experience they can. When I'm offered an interesting working situation, I generally jump at it. I would expect my friends to do the same. Anyhow, Nin, the Pumpkins and ourselves get on really well. They're all good people."
News: Bowie And Visconti Record Track For Lennon Tribute Album

Bowie and Tony Visconti have rekindled their working relationship after a hiatus of over 15 years. They have just completed work on two tracks, each for separate projects. We can reveal that one of the songs is a cover of John Lennon's 'Mother'. This is Bowie's contribution to the John Lennon Tribute album. The basic track was cut in Bermuda with island born Andy Newmark on drums and Reevz Gabrels on guitar. Several instruments were re-recorded and the mix completed in New York. Visconti also contributes some nifty back-up vocals. This will also be the first time that Newmark has worked with Bowie since recording the 'Young Americans' album in 1974. The Lennon project is slated for release on Capitol Records in late 1999. Details on the second song are due anytime now.
Bowie And Anderson Art Event Opens In November
Bowie and fellow artist and friend, Laurie Anderson, have collaborated on a contribution to the "I LOVE NEW YORK - Crossover of Contemporary Art" exhibition opening at the Museum Ludwig in Koln, Germany November 6, 1998-February 1, 1999. The work is called 'LINE' and consists of 20 drawings created 'mysteriously' by the two artists. Details and photos to follow shortly.
David Bowie: Past, Present And Future
The Smashing Pumpkins, Nine Inch Nails, The Cure, Marilyn Manson, ScottWeiland, Puff Daddy, Seal, Public Enemy and The Wallflowers--all of theseartists are united by the influence of DAVID BOWIE, via his past and presentmusical explorations.
BOWIE keyboardist Mike Garson has just been tapped to tour with the SmashingPumpkins in Europe and will also play on the forthcoming album from Nine InchNails (a connection that was made during 1995's DAVID BOWIE/Nine Inch Nailstour), while Garson and BOWIE guitarist Reeves Gabrels will both play onSeal's next album. Gabrels likewise recently played on The Cure track "SorryWrong Number" and performed with the band at a special gig in Los Angeles (amusical union that began when the two met at BOWIE's 50th birthday show atMadison Square Garden where Smith joined BOWIE onstage for two songs). What'smore, Gabrels is working on an upcoming project with Public Enemy.
Meanwhile, The Wallflowers presently have the most added single in thecountry with their rendition of "Heroes"--from BOWIE's 1977 album of the samename--on the Godzilla soundtrack. Also due out is "Golden Years"--fromBOWIE's 1976 LP Station To Station--revamped by Marilyn Manson for the openingcredits of the upcoming MTV/Paramount film Dead Man On Campus. And accordingto a recent item in New York magazine, Manson has said, "I'm going to becomethe next Ziggy Stardust." Another favorite BOWIE track--"Let's Dance," thetitle track from his 1983 smash album--was sampled by Puff Daddy in his recenthit single "Been Around The World."
In addition, Scott Weiland has talked about his musical and stylistic BOWIEinfluences in many interviews, pointing out that his video for "Barbarella"was directly inspired by BOWIE's character in the 1976 Nicolas Roeg classicThe Man Who Fell To Earth.
Most illuminating of all recent BOWIE ties may be the fact that he placed #7in VH-1's Top 100 Artists Poll, which was voted upon by his peers.
Without a doubt, at the end of millennium BOWIE continues to exert a hugeinfluence on contemporary music and pop culture. In the words of one critic,"other artists are trying to catch up to where he's already been."
So where is BOWIE going next? A live album is on tap for the fall, with anew studio album set for spring 1999. BOWIE also continues to break newground on the Internet with his online art gallery at, wheremany of his works are available for viewing and sale.
Original Bowie Art On Sale
DAVID BOWIE is once again utilizing modern technology in a ground-breakingfashion. As of December 15, BOWIE put two of his most popular works up forsale on the Internet exclusively through the International Bowieart Website.The lithographs are an intense self-portrait, plus a vivid composition of IggyPop, which captures the true maniacal character of the legendary rocker.
BOWIE has been at the forefront of Internet developments since 1992, and infact was the first artist of his caliber to release a single (?Telling Lies?)via this medium (in 1996). The Bowieart site can be accessed via the followingaddress:
Prices of the lithographs are as follows:
Head of J.O.* signed $320Head of J.O. unsigned $110
D Head--V 1995/1997 signed $240D Head--V 1995/1997 unsigned $80
*James Osterberg (aka Iggy Pop)
BOWIE, who is currently on the U.S. charts with his single "I?m Afraid OfAmericans"--featuring vocals and a remix by Trent Reznor--said of the venture:"I want to reach a wider spectrum of people with certain multiples that Imake. The gallery shows have been extremely good but the Internet is the wayto get attention of the people who may not have access to many gallery shows.If we get a good response to this idea, I will be showing work by otherartists who may not be getting a fair crack of the whip."
BOWIE has established a serious reputation in the art world as an Artist andWriter, as well as Publisher. 1996/1997 exhibitions included a showing at theBlaise Thorens Gallery (Basel, Switzerland), the first Florence Biennale(Florence, Italy) and an installation at the ICA (London, England). Plans for1998 include a major exhibition at the Marconi Gallery in Milan, Italy.BOWIE?s most recent published articles include interviews with legendarymaster Balthus; Tracy Emin; and the late Roy Lichtenstein, plus overviews ofDamien Hirst?s first New York Show; the Basquiat retrospective at theSerpentine Gallery in London; and South Aftica?s first Biennale.
Meanwhile, Blimey, the critically acclaimed art book by Matthew Collings andpublished by BOWIE?s 21 Company, is already in its second printing and willbe released in the U.S. early next year.
CURRENT PROJECTS1998Milan, Geo Marconi Gallery. March-June (touring)
1997London, ICA, 60th Anniversary Auction Including Appel, Bowie, Chapman,Chadwick, Christo, Hirst, Paolozzi, Riley, Smith, Turk, Viola, Wallinger,Whiteread. 6/23/97
London, Milestones, Royal College of Art and various locations. 1/21-2/16/97
London, Jibby Beane ART97, Business Design Centre, 1/15-1/19 January
1996London, Jibby Beane, Through the Looking Glass (collaboration with DavidD?Angelis). 12/97
Florence, Biennale di Firenze--New Persona/New Universe--Statione Leopolda.9/21-12/15/97
Basie, Daniel Blaise Thorens Fine Art Gallery AG, David Bowie.5/25-7/7/97
London, ICA, Incarcerated with Artaud and Genet, Installation by David Bowie.5/31-6/2
1995Montreux, Montreux Jazz Festival. David Bowie--Paintings, Prints andSculpture. 7/7-7/22
Bristol, Amolfini Gallery, David Bowie/Damien Hirst collaboration, MinkyManky. 7/17-30
London, Gallery in Cork Street, David Bowie--New Afro Pagen and Work 1975-96,4/18-29
London. Christie, Manson and Wood, Imperial Cancer Research Auction.February.
1994London, Berkeley Square Gallery, Minotaur Myths & Legends, 11/17-12/3
London, Flowers East, Bosnia War Child, 9/27-10/9/97
1995 Montreux Jazz Festival Poster. Previous commissioned Artists includeDavid Hockney, Jean Tinguely, Niki de Saint Phalle and Keith Haring.
Florida, Jacksonville Museum of Modern Art.Manchester, Whitworth Museum.London, Saatchi Collection.
Interview magazine, D. Bowie--Interview with Roy Lichtenstein, December 1997Modern Painters, D. Bowie--It?s Art Jim but as We Know It (Interview withTracy Emin), Autumn 1997 Raygun: Out of Control, D. Bowie--The Closing Down:Interviews with Tony Oursler, Yoko Ono and Roy Lichtenstein. England, 1997Booth Gibbons Editions. Interview magazine, D. Bowie--Jibby Beane the ArtMachine, December 1996 Dazed and Confused, D. Bowie--Fashion: Turn to the leftBowie in conversation with Alexander McQueen, December 1996Telegraph, D. Bowie--Fashion Victims, Florence Biennale, October 5, 1996Modern Painters, D. Bowie--Stop Press: Death Row Damien Delights, summer 1996The Independent, Death, passion and contradiction, by Bowie and Hirst, June15, 1996 Evening Standard, D. Bowie--Bowie on Kossoff, May 31, 1996Modern Painters, D. Bowie--Basquiat?s Wave, Spring 1996 Q Magazine, D.Bowie--The Beautiful, It Won?t Rap, She Won?t Dance, Very Tricky Piece,October 1995Modern Painters, D. Bowie--The Cleanest Work of All (Johannesburg Biennale),Summer 1995 Q Magazine, D. Bowie--The Diary of Nathan Adler (Text andillustrations by D. Bowie), winter 1994 Modern Painters, D. Bowie--Balthus thelast legendary Painter, Autumn 1994